- Automatic issue closing
- Change your time zone
- Cycle Analytics
- Description templates
- Feature branch workflow
- GitLab Flow
- Groups
- Issues - The GitLab Issue Tracker is an advanced and complete tool for
tracking the evolution of a new idea or the process of solving a problem.
- (EE) Exporting Issues Export issues as a CSV, emailed as an attachment.
- Confidential issues
- Due date for issues
- Issue Board
- Keyboard shortcuts
- File finder
- (EE) File lock
- Labels
- (EE) Issue weight
- Notification emails
- Projects
- Project forking workflow
- Project users
- Protected branches
- Protected tags
- Quick Actions
- Sharing projects with groups
- Time tracking
- Web Editor
- Releases
- Milestones
Merge Requests
- Authorization for merge requests
- Cherry-pick changes
- Merge when pipeline succeeds
- Resolve discussion comments in merge requests reviews
- Resolve merge conflicts in the UI
- Revert changes in the UI
- Merge requests versions
- "Work In Progress" merge requests
- Fast-forward merge requests
- Merge request approvals [STARTER]
- Repository mirroring [STARTER]
- Service Desk [PREMIUM]
- Manage large binaries with Git LFS
- Importing from SVN, GitHub, Bitbucket, etc
- Todos
- Snippets
- Subgroups